Educational farm
The Charter for Educational Farm Quality in the Veneto Region clearly outlines the specific requirements concerning safety, logistics, hospitality services, and the learning materials provided to students and teachers who visit the farm.
We have decided to join this project in order to share our farming workspace and know-how with schools and visitors to encourage a rewarding discovery of the farming experience.
Our lessons are primarily aimed at raising the awareness of kindergarten, elementary, and middle school aged children. Themes include the biodynamic garden, techniques in biodynamic farming and, more generally, vegetables and the countryside.
An experience to rediscover the countryside.
This is a guided lesson that teaches our visitors how to recognize vegetables and their flavors, as well as to learn the seasonal nature and full plant cycle of plants from seed to harvest (where a seed comes from, how it develops and what it becomes) with hands-on experience of seeding and harvesting in the garden.